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Lin momo just turned around, only to find that a cold voice sounded in the gate base at the entrance. "There are guests coming again, and I won’t worry about the experimental materials. None of you will leave my palace."

The steam blew out and a metal dome fell from a height, and a face was exposed near the center of the egg. It was a very strange face.
Volume 2 American enemy! Feather, Chapter 7 Risk-taking.
The battle escalated. The bottom of the metal dome opened outward and pulled out four thick thighs. Two semi-mechanized female shields moved forward.
"Kill them, these three guys, or senior brother Wu." The big guy in the team pulled his neck and screamed and raised his hand to shine like a small nuclear bomb
All the attacks in front of the dome are like scratching the cannon light, like throwing into the lake and the flames are extinguished instantly.
"Bad according to this will fall into recession" Lin momo look back at this time is not the peacock talisman can see the situation dome is getting closer and closer.
"The gate is too thick for laser sword cutting. Today, I try to avoid the fighting range and explore in his direction, hoping to find the exit channel." Thought of this, Lin momo started the source ability to flicker and ran along the base. As a result, the more I saw it, the cooler my heart became. The other party was mechanized, and didn’t need to breathe, eat or rest. There was no way out except to come in and enter.
"Boom …"
After the explosion, it was quickly annihilated, and the team of animal trainers suffered casualties. The whole body of the first fighting beast was torn to pieces, and the enemy was a means to temporarily see it.
"Contact with the bright guy", the big team assistant pulled out his arm thickness hilt from behind, and his laser sword swept to a range of five meters, and his powerful foot slammed into the dome.
The metal dome’s face is half black, half white and black, and the white side is intact. Seeing someone stand up and give me a strange smile.
"Bang!" The vice captain of the big team hasn’t chopped down the whole portrait yet, and it’s very embarrassing to throw out a kite and spray blood on his chest.
"Beware of mental attack" This team assistant is a tough guy who doesn’t forget to wake up his teammates before fainting.
More than a dozen animal trainers struggled to fight back, and dared not engage in close combat. This is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. Even if Friar Wu is good at influencing the enemy, seeking spiritual victory over the other side, like a metal dome, he makes mental strength reckless and directly causes physical damage. Even if he has this ability, many people will not easily display it, and it is not easy to recover because of great consumption.
"Whoops!" A war beast was photographed by a powerful spiritual force. The black and white face and eyes were twisted into twists and the body of the war beast fell to the ground and became a pool of blood.
A dozen animal trainers were horrified to find that their bodies were fixed by the vast spirit, and they moved by pulling the trigger.
The metal dome suddenly lived in a cold place and said, "I’m more interested in the human body, but these animals are not at all sorry. Today, the good mood stops. Some of you will be immortal, as strong and perfect as the old lady." Just as the voice fell, all the fighting animals’ heads exploded one after another. The scene was terrible. A dozen animal trainers immediately opened their eyes limply and looked at two mechanized women to resist. "No, it’s sixteen smells. Why are there fifteen people?"
Metal dome turned to look at the shadow somewhere smiled "come out! Although something will block out most of the old induction, you still can’t escape the screening. "
Black and white face is none other than Lin momo.
A captain went out with great energy and looked at the two poor mechanized women lying on the ground. "Hello, are you going to turn me into a semi-mechanized human?" This is simply wonderful. It seems to me that human emotions are redundant, and human bodies are also very fragile. Once they become robots, they can live as long as they want. I, who are not fellow travelers, have been treated unfairly. I hate those who have bullied me. You can certainly give me strength, right? "
"Er, you mean to agree with the old mechanization research?"
Black-and-white face is incredible. Look at the string of data streams generated in the man’s mind in front of him and calculate them immediately.
"Check is agreed? I really think you are too conservative. What is this small place? Mechanized technology should be popularized. You probably stayed here for a long time and didn’t understand the outside situation. Like me, young people are everywhere who are determined to become stronger. People at the bottom of life are suffering. Wouldn’t it be better to lead them to a brand-new evolutionary path with your technology? "
Don’t look at Lin momo’s superficial calmness and impassioned words, but in fact, his palms are sweaty. This is also the peacock amulet. According to many extreme cases of creating teachers, such people are often crazy and want to live, and they can win a chance by acting similar to them.
The metal dome has thought for three seconds, which is already a very remarkable number for him. Many calculations can be completed in one thousandth of a second, but today there are some special encounters with a young man with similar ideals, which should be treated differently.
"Interesting. Your radical words are very similar to those of me. You have seen hope for a long time, but I haven’t solved several problems after staying here for so long. First, it’s not difficult to merge the body and body, but it’s expensive to continue the spiritual strength of human beings. Next, it’s the most efficient energy source so far, which can make the weak and weak people evolve continuously. It’s remarkable that the old belief is that if you want to study, you will develop a perfect individual instead of that kind of garbage, don’t you think?" Black and white face staring at Lin momo don’t pass the details.
A captain walked over to the metal dome and laughed. "It’s really a long time since we met each other. I’m also the kind of person who pursues perfection. By the way, is there a super-class fighting beast outside your palace?"
"Nonsense old how can adopt a beast? When the palace was just built, a great animal trainer came to stop me from experimenting and defended our ideas. We had a duel. "
Lin momo blinked hurriedly interposed serious boast "must be you better! I knew that human semi-mechanization is the most advanced form. "
Black-and-white face seems to have fallen into a long memory and said, "It was a lose-lose battle. I have to admit that it is still very interesting for Brother Wu to evolve to the tenth level. The big animal trainer escaped from life. I didn’t expect that after a hundred years, the war beast evolved and ran back to block the palace to avenge its owner. I have many problems waiting to be solved. The unremitting efforts of the transformation technology have led to no time to solve the beast. It is interesting that many people mistakenly leave treasures here to explore. Every once in a while, the super-class war beast will let a part of Brother Wu come in to test, but it is an exception
"Hum meets the requirements? Won’t take the old knife first? "
Lin momo’s face is uneasy, but she is obsessed with it. "The younger generation has a question to ask this pair of women, probably you, but they seem to have lost their minds. It seems a little hard to accept if they are transformed into pure machinery. After all, I want to continue myself instead of this. Can you explain a specific reason?"
The metal dome is not angry, on the contrary, it is very happy to think that the other party is sincere and can notice the problem
Facts, wisdom, life, no matter what form it is, has his desire for life communication when it is closed long enough. After the mechanical combination of black and white faces, many human thoughts have been lost, which is closer to digital thinking. Suddenly, I met Lin Sisuo, a heterogeneous person, and the attitude of completing my ideal experiment is slightly special.
Kan Kan, with a black and white face, said, "Their sisters are my most successful women, and their endurance is usually stronger than that of men. Their original ability and emphasis on the therapeutic type persist until the end, but the belief that supports them to live is revenge on the old lady! Therefore, I cut off the nerve and spiritual power to control it until today. "
Lin momo turned several times around the two sisters and suddenly asked, "The elder has an unkind feeling. Please note that they didn’t really fight in the dark just now. Can you let me try to see how strong it is?"
The metal dome quacked with laughter. "I’m glad to hear that, and I’m willing to show you powerful functions, but let me have a look at your shielding induction equipment after the battle."
"No problem. Naturally, I’d be happy to give it to you. Are you ready to appreciate your predecessors? I’m coming. "Lin momo quickly took out a lot of" projectiles "with gold and reddish willy-nilly.
The golden bullet is a powerful therapeutic agent, and the reddish bullet is an illusion agent. The peacock talisman found that it is very likely that the mechanical sisters will be controlled. Because one of them resisted at a certain moment during the battle, the speed was a little slow for a few seconds. One spear attacked the other shield, which could cause damage to the metal dome. It was himself or his mechanical creation.
At that time, momo Lin used his quick wits in the dark, so he made a bold plan to decide the pharmacist’s ability to help the two sisters get rid of the shackles. It is best to make black and white faces less wary.
"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
Lin momo turned around and quickly took out seven "projectiles". This is the real killer. It is equivalent to 340,000 times the normal atmospheric pressure. The condensed water is a famous super-environmental-friendly "nuclear bomb"
Seven projectiles went to the metal dome, and the black-and-white face and eyes cried the cold and knew that they had been tricked by this little trick, but he denied that the other party’s means could cause him harm and send out a spiritual shock wave to show Lin momo good-looking.
"Pa" a crunchy followed by strong blasting penetration makes the black and white face slightly stunned, and the mental strength is immediately suppressed from the attack state, which makes it even more unprepared. Things happen and panic occurs, and the mechanical two sisters are recovering.
Volume 2 American enemy! Flight feathers Chapter 71 Chambers
Lin Sisuo’s hallucination medicine can affect Brother Wu’s visual nerve and telepathy. At present, it is most suitable for loosening the control of the metal dome on the two sisters, and the powerful therapeutic medicine has multiple recovery effects, which not only brings vitality to the two sisters, but also benefits the animal trainers who have fallen to the ground.
At the moment, the metal dome gradually regained the situation with the spiritual strength of the earth horse, which faintly occupied the wind. Momo thought, "No matter give him a big meal and then add water pills when he gets back."
The mind is fleeting and moving surprisingly fast. More than a dozen water pills are thrown out and tightly pressed against the metal dome.
At this time, the eyes of the two mechanical sisters recovered a little, and the most obvious change was that the pupils could contract spontaneously and turned their heads to glance around.
Lin momo shouted "what are you waiting for? Attacking the common enemy can’t ease the monster. "

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"Get out" The chameleon looked at the intruders coldly with a stick in his hand.

The first person snorted, "What did those people say to you just now? Answer honestly or you will know the consequences yourself."
The chameleon sneered, "I won’t tell you if you kill me."
"We’ve seen a lot of mouth shut, and finally we have to say," The bodyguard weapon hands will surround each other.
The chameleon suddenly laughed. "I hate two kinds of people most in my old life. One is that it is better to betray my friends, pigs and dogs than people."
"Another kind?"
"government dog"
"Don’t you dare call names and teach him a lesson"
At the same time, the two men rushed out of the chameleon’s hand and swung the stick. The two men quickly avoided it. Unfortunately, the leg was injured and they quickly followed up. Almost at the same time, the two guards behind them rushed close and were quickly knocked down by the other side.
"Adults are not lame."
"What a waste Lin Feng took the trouble to find a waste to distract us!" The first person looked at each other’s broken legs and also went to Qin Wangfu. According to the statement of the princess and the little prince, it has been confirmed that the root of the prince was not Lin Feng, but someone else pretended to be it.
Telling the truth, the guards were surprised. The murderer was really someone else. Lin Feng was really fierce. It is a little bit to find the flaw in a case so quickly, even if you know that the other party knows how to find the murderer in such a big day!
The bodyguard jumped over the chameleon and fell to the ground, so the bodyguard quit. At the same time, the right hand violently shook the wooden stick and instantly cracked. There was a long sword in it, and the whole person lay down and touched the sword, and his face showed a very painful expression.
Lin Feng and his party went out of town all the way to the west. No one knew exactly what identity a person was looking for and what characteristics he could rely on Lu Jun.
"Mysterious man!"
Run out for two days Lu Jun finally watched three people confused eyes Liu Jundao "This person is also listening to people talk about Yi Shu’s superb roots. No one has ever seen him really."
"If so, even at this time, there is no way to recognize the vast sea of people in front of us!"
Lu Jun laughed. "This man has a rule that he will go to Huashan Mountain on March 20 every year. This is the only way."
"Huashan Mountain!"
In the past, the mountains of Wulin were dangerous, and strange peaks and rocks could be seen everywhere. Unfortunately, with the rise of Jianghu forces in various sects, people became more and more careful in doing things. In the past, the sword was abandoned.
Horseshoe bursts are two days away from the date mentioned by Lu Jun. The range of Huashan Mountain is too large. I want to find out a more feasible way for this person to reach the top before the other party.
It’s hard to see the rivers and lakes without going into Huashan Mountain. Once, the sword and shadow on the top of Huashan Mountain witnessed Wulin’s saying that all kinds of martial arts skills have emerged one after another. There are still cliffs here, and there are still leaping figures. How many heroic characters have been, how many nostalgia have been, and finally they are like passing clouds.
All the way, the horse has been looking far away, and there is a high mountain connected with mountains and clouds, where is the peak of China.
Many horses are winding in different directions as the mountain becomes steeper. When four people pause, the road is too dangerous. Can the horse stay here? Which is the way to the top?
A song came to the crowd and looked around. A woodcutter dressed as a man appeared with a hat and a hemp rope tied to his waist. He stopped a stone and saw Lin Feng.
"Brother, I don’t know which way leads to the top of Huashan Mountain?"
The man coughed, "The more dangerous this mountain is, the more dangerous it is. I still advise you to travel around and find another place."
"I’m not admiring the name of the mountain, but I have to try it even if the road is dangerous."
"All right, let’s go. This mountain is relatively flat. Please leave."
When the woodcutter finished speaking, he glanced at it and walked slowly down the mountain from the big stone jump. Several figures followed the direction of the woodcutter to climb the rock. The fastest figure was almost tiptoe. This lightness skill was amazing. The woodcutter looked at the four people climbing and stopped there for a long time.
Follow the woodcutter’s direction until after a dangerous road, the mountain gradually becomes gentle, almost moving slowly around the mountain, which is safe and time-consuming, but more physical strength
"Brother Lin" Fei Tian Yan retreated to Lin Feng near.
"Try this way."
Without hesitation, Liu Ernian’s tiptoe quickly became smaller to the surface, and her arms clung to the gap between the stone walls on both sides. Once the height fell, it would be difficult to get hurt even if she achieved lightness skill.
Watching Liu Ernian’s figure gradually disappear, Fang Sanren also pinched the staff. It is the first time that he was able to get courage and martial arts from such a mountain road. It is precisely because of this that he was able to climb Mount Huashan in those years and was a first-class player in the Jianghu.
"Brother Lin, I’ll put the vines."
Face to face, Liu Ernian sounds like climbing the dangerous ground. The ground is a platform. Write three big characters "Forget marble". On the side, the vines are intertwined with each other. The thickest one of the swords is cut along the mountain.
It’s not difficult to climb a dangerous place with a three-legged wooden rattan hand. It’s too heavy to worry about. Liu Ernian supported Lu Jun to climb first, and then Lin Feng Li Hu was responsible for the rear defense.
Forget the marble, the first four people sit on the ground, and the mountain breeze blows and gives off a burst of coolness. Looking around here, the clouds linger like a fairyland.
"Forget marble!"
Lu Jun’s handwriting on the finger touch surface should be carved by sharp tools such as swords and swords. Each stroke is almost the same depth, and there are not many trivial traces left around. It can be seen that the engraver grasped the strength very accurately at the beginning.
"Forget, not hope!"
Lu Jun is talking to himself. There is something strange about the three people’s eyes falling with the surface. From here, you can see the clouds on the distant mountain peaks, which makes people sigh.
The name of the stone should come from this. Even so, forgetting and looking forward to the theory is very different from strokes or meanings.
"It’s easy to forget!"
Sound from four people a surprised didn’t expect to face someone and hear Lu Jun such distance even windson also didn’t find it.
When a Taoist wears a Taoist robe and holds floating dust, it suddenly gives people an extraordinary feeling of "being a Taoist priest and being a teacher"
The Taoist smiled indifferently. "Are you going to climb the mountain?"
"If there is a mountain, it will eventually be recruited. If there is, it can go to many sufferings!" Floating dust, arm in arm, saying something in the population
"Today, I reached the top of my heart and he hoped that the Taoist priest would point all the way."
"There are several existing being original in the heart of the road, so it is necessary to reinvent the wheel." Say that finish, I stepped aside and looked from the position where the Taoist priest appeared just now, and a path winding and light appeared, which should be the top of Huashan Mountain.
The four hundred and ninety-fourth peak of zhanghua.
On the top of Mount Huashan, there is a huge stone platform, and it is a pity that it is difficult to reproduce the sword theory in Huashan in the past.
The only difference is that at the moment, there are stone chairs and swords on the whole platform, which makes people believe that this is the place where Huashan talked about swords in those days. After all, those are just words from Jianghu.
It’s more like a gathering place for friends than a place where fame and fortune kill each other.
"so beautiful"
Liu Ernian gawked at the distance. At this time, the beautiful scenery was seen in front of her eyes, and the beauty of the world, mountains and days showed in front of her eyes. Compared with this time, human beings have become so small.
Here, the clouds, mountains and rivers are even a stone, and the original sharp corners have long since disappeared after thousands of years of wind and rain polishing.
People are just a few dozen, even if they know this, they still refuse to worry about their grievances. How many people end up depressed because of their temporary success or failure?
"such as?"
Road flyover behind him appeared a robe dancing in the wind. Several people turned around and said, "How can there be a mountain on the edge of heaven and earth?"! Do you practice on this mountain? " Windson responded with a cool smile, saying that Tao is inscrutable and telling such people the truth of heaven and earth is not self-humiliation
Taoist laughed, "If everything in heaven and earth is normal, if you have this mountain in your heart, you can travel around the world and settle down."
Monks eat hard, give up all the wealth, lust and greed in the world, and pursue the avenue of the heart. This alone is worthy of admiration.
"Educated!" Lin Feng gave a hand to salute.
"Don’t disturb a few people"
"Taoist, please stay."
The first two steps of Lin Feng’s Taoist priest turned around and was just about to hear the other side shout and slowly turned around. "But there are things?"
"If you have a doubt in your heart, please ask the Taoist priest to explain it."
"Go ahead."
"I’m here to find someone whose identity is a mystery and who can change his appearance at will. I don’t know where to find it?"
"Naive to have such a strange person! In this case, it must be that the donor does not want to be disturbed and must insist? "
"It’s not intentional, it’s emotional."
"It’s a good saying that if the world can let go, you can be your own official, but you can abandon your official position and not be a businessman. If you can give up your wealth, you can enjoy the sunrise and sunset of the Chinese people without losing a blessing."
"If so, everyone wants to ask the country to be strong! Once foreign enemies attack, who can come out to defend their families and rivers and mountains! "

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"If I have this skill, I will go directly to the special police. How can I be a security guard?"

"Come on, the special police will give you a gun for you to go with the drug dealer. Do you dare? The first run on the battlefield is you! "
Jianghan glanced at the conference room and left a few fat people with a wide grin.
Those guys saw Jianghan show his white teeth with a smile, and they couldn’t help but go backwards several times for fear that Jianghan would rush to take them out if he wasn’t careful!
It’s not bad to throw it outside the door, at best, it won’t hurt anyone, but if you throw it outside the window, if you know it’s the thirtieth floor …
These guys are sweating at the thought of this!
"You are not nervous. I don’t want to be difficult. Our company’s security guard wouldn’t touch him if his mouth was too smelly!"
Those who heard Jianghan’s words should hate Jianghan immediately if they are granted Amnesty, but their eyes are full of gratitude at the moment. It looks fat. This team is a toy car and vulnerable.
"Go back and tell your boss that I lost it in what he wants to do, then let him row the way and we will go on!"
"Yes, yes, eldest brother, you can rest assured that we will convey it!"
A luxury villa in Xingcheng Neighbourhood Villa District. In the living room, a man leans on the sofa, and his legs are enchanting. A woman with a high value is sitting on his legs, posing and peeling grapes.
A woman peels off her skin and puts it in her mouth first, and then a blushing tongue? The kiss is full of fragrance!
And the man is not satisfied with this. His hands are indulging in the development of two balls on the woman’s chest. Is it just right? Eat a lot of meat
If a star city citizen sees this scene, it will be quite shocking. Therefore, the exquisite woman who was spoiled by men turned out to be a popular program on Star City TV. The host of Hua Dan is usually lonely and arrogant in front of the camera, which makes people like that kind of ice beauty!
The scene is very romantic, but a fat but trembling sofa in the villa living room has legs trembling in front of it.
Fat has been coveting the woman in front of him for a long time, but now he dare not have any other thoughts.
The scene of passion not only replenishes his animal hormones, but also gives him an impulse to dress up and run, not because of the wrong person but because of the wrong time!
He is none other than Li Pang who was thrown out of the meeting room by Jianghan not long ago!
Volume 4 or leap deep Chapter 29 Less!
In Farewell My Concubine, the master taught Cheng Dieyi that if you want to be distinguished before others, you must suffer before others.
In the real world, there are always a handful of people who are dressed in glamorous clothes, but they are not as good as a family dog.
In front of this famous Starlight Glimmer actress man in Star City, he threw his face in front of this Chen Yanguan Xiaojie, and they were all so.
But the biggest difference between them and Cheng Dieyi is that Cheng Dieyi became himself and they became others!
The man on the sofa slowly opened his eyes, slapped two women on the hips, and immediately understood like a docile cat. The clever man kissed his face before he got up and walked towards the villa.
In addition to hiding the bodyguard living room in the dark, this man and Li Pang in front of him are left.
Until then, the man looked up lazily and glanced at Li Pang as if he had just discovered that there was such a person in front of him.
"I heard that the little guy just threw you out of the meeting room?"
Li Pang’s fat body trembled like a light spring, and the sweat on his forehead brushed away like a broken bead.
"It’s the little ones who bully the little ones. It’s only when we’re unprepared that we’re in such a mess!"
"oh? Really! " The man raised his eyebrows and put his hands on his knees. He looked up at the fat corners of his mouth with a joke.
"How did I hear that he raised his hand and threw you out of the meeting room?"
Fat face instantly turned pale and plopped. The fat man fell to his knees. He dragged his legs and climbed to the man’s face and hugged him with a calf. "I didn’t mean to lie to you, but the little one was too abnormal. I accidentally took it to other places. Those people can testify for me!"
Fat keeps shaking the man’s calf, not too hard, for fear of causing greater dissatisfaction among men. At this time, he is like a begging dog with dignity.
Looking at his feet, the fawning fat man grinned, revealing white teeth with a new cold light.
"Li Ji, do you know what I hate most in my life?" Fat shake a stiff touch each other’s meaning, he dare not answer the words.
"If my dog doesn’t bite, I’m afraid he can’t even bark. In that case, this dog really has nothing to do but slaughter it to eat meat!"
When the man said this, he was so fat that his bile came out with a snot and tears. He held the man’s calf and shook his hand even more, and his mouth kept jumping out and begging for mercy.
"Less less forgive! I never dare again … "
"It’s really a big deal. I’ll never dare again. I’ll be a good dog and bark. Let me bite whoever I bite. Let me bark at whoever I want. I’ll bark at whoever I want. I’ll be obedient. I’ll be loyal and keep my side. I won’t dare again …!"
A man looks at this scene indifferently, and such a person is completely worthless to him. An unprincipled dog will one day bark at his former master and bite him because of some threats.
"Old ink throw him out! Since he can’t scream neatly, then don’t scream at me later. Cut off his tongue and those dog eyes that are staring at me everywhere make me feel uncomfortable. Dig it out and throw it in the backyard to feed the shepherd boy! "

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Smell speech pool and seven are not silent.

It’s not something unique to someone or a sect, so it’s a general matter to keep looking for a needle in a haystack.
"Have you fought with them? Do you think their martial arts routines are like which school?" Chi Mie asked about thinking seven times.
Seven finally shook his head and immediately replied, "There was almost no fight. They were all hiding somewhere and releasing darts at Toffee."
Smell speech pool is not silent again.
547 Chapter 547 Late demolition (2)
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
It seems that nothing can be found.
The arrival of people also attracted Mulian Tiefan and Yunxi Yunshang’s attention. Four people looked at it from a distance and couldn’t help but have their own worries.
And Xiao Tian knew immediately when he saw people coming that it was Yunzui’s hidden guard, and that was Yunzui’s people around him.
So Xiao Tian immediately took the initiative to look at the people and asked, "Can you tell me everything in detail last night?"
Chiyuan has been watching and feeling that he can’t talk, and everything is too messy. He feels very confused.
Seven or nine people actually know that Xiao Tian was not bad when he was protecting Yunzui and Xiao Tian.
So they didn’t treat it coldly, but they were a little polite. "Last night, the thing was that the young master of the Prime Minister’s Office disappeared, and the toffee came to the back with her heart, but in the end, the Prime Minister and Aunt Ye both left and the toffee was assassinated. She made me make a big noise to attract the attention of the Prime Minister’s adult so that the Prime Minister could lead troops to rescue him, but she didn’t see the Prime Minister’s adult until the end."
Smell speech pool what immediately chicken eyes become deep and then seized a clue and asked, "You said that the back is not only a toffee but also a concubine like Yuntai and him? Moreover, Taifei made a very loud noise to let Yuntai notice that Yuntai deliberately went to move reinforcements, but Yuntai did not appear in the end? "
Smell speech seven immediately respectfully replied "so"
All of a sudden, Chi Mi felt that there was something wrong with this matter.
And next to the audience, Yun Shang immediately said angrily, "You are a drunken dog leg, aren’t you? Now that you are not good at protecting the Lord, you will pass the buck to my father. Do you really want to be slandered when someone covers you? "
Seven smell speech is still a face of cold as if cloud type said it wasn’t him.
They are looking at Yun Shang’s contempt for her.
Yun Shang couldn’t help frowning at such an export, and immediately said, "Shang Er, they report the truth. Can it be true or false? If he lies, my father-in-law will definitely clarify everything for himself. Will people care about him?"
While yunshang stared at tiefan, giving in to everything and trying to resolve everything.
And her personality is as hot as her red dress, absolutely hot.
Tiefanqi didn’t care about it. He knew he didn’t say anything wrong or lie, no matter what others said.
But if Yuntai doesn’t tell the truth, he will definitely come out and refute it at once.
Yu Yunshang and Tiefan think they are barking dogs.
Chi Mi’s face is as heavy as frost. If at ordinary times, he must split his hand at Yunshang, but today he doesn’t care more with them.
Chi Mi set his eyes on the seven bodies and immediately said, "Follow Wang Shan."
Houchi, with seven people, walked towards the mountain.
And Xiao Tian knew that maybe there was more news with Chi Mi, so he immediately followed him and acted as an invisible man. Chi Yuan couldn’t help following him.
He followed Chimie wherever he went.
I really can’t leave the pool!
And longed for even four people, of course, is also along with this because of the prime minister Yuntai!
54 Chapter 54 Late demolition (3)
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
Of course, their younger generations of Yuntai will go with them, otherwise Yuntai will be bullied.
Although these leaders have all left, they have not been ordered to evacuate, and they will continue to look for them.
Seeing that everyone is gone, Yunzui can’t help but want to follow, but her sight can stay in the Woods.
So Yunzui couldn’t help but get up from the couch and face the avenue in the air. "Grandpa, I want to see it."
But no one answered her voice.
Yunzui couldn’t help feeling a little anxious. She said she was hungry, but Yunzui came at once. Why didn’t she come out this time?
Yunzui couldn’t help but feel anxious and immediately shouted, "Where are you, Grandpa?"
This time the cloud suddenly appeared in the virtual.
Seeing Yunyun drunk, he immediately smiled and said, "Grandpa, you all know what I have to do in seven days, so you should also know what I want to do now."
Before Yunzui asked Yunzui for help, he said that he had something to do ten days later, but Yunzui didn’t see it, but he told Yunzui that he knew what Yunzui was going to do and didn’t tell him face to face.
Yun Zui thinks Yun also knows that she wants to meet the scene this time.
"Of course, I know that I just want to follow their vision to the Prime Minister’s Office?" Say, the cloud waved for a dust stroke, and then Yunzui felt that the flowers at the moment immediately changed the scene.
But cloud drunk and cloud in the scene at this time also turned white.
Yunzui asked strangely, "How come?"

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Longevity princess has come together with Yang Chengzu, but business matters are still busy and don’t interfere with each other. Yang Jiaan Lu also bought some shops, and Zhu Xiuchang has given some help as a Qian Furen, but she didn’t get involved too much, but she still maintained a high degree of autonomy in those shops. Similarly, she didn’t discuss business with Yang Chengzu and always made her own decisions. This is the first time to solve the problem.

Yang Chengzu to catch her foot positive gently knead slightly one leng "? Just let the noodle people run this business. What do you want to do? What business is it? Although the imperial army surrounded Nanchang, the small band of bandits in this place still have a rough road. If you go, I won’t trust you. If you go, I will go with you. "
Zhu Xiuchang smiled sweetly and pulled out her feet. "It’s okay. It won’t be a problem when I’m old. This business is also with Ningfan. Although there are a lot of food in the city, they are still afraid that they won’t stay up and want to collect a wave of rice. I want to sell a sum of Hunan rice in the past and get something back by the way. These things are very important for me and Wangfu to give to others. I don’t trust that I can go to the road bandits in person. You’re not surprised. I’m not going to talk about it myself. There are bandits and loyalists to deal with
Xing Wangfu controls a large amount of farmland grain, which is ultimately a large income, and it can also get huge profits from the sale of these grains. This time, Ningwang chaos and the lack of commercial roads in the south of the Yangtze River have greatly affected all kinds of businesses, but there are grain transactions that can make huge profits
Yang Chengzu way "loyalist is not all around the city? How to transport food in? It doesn’t seem appropriate for you to sell this grain to the rebels. It’s better to sell it to the loyalist. This business can be more secure. "
"There are also food sold to loyalists. This time it was shipped together, but 60% was sold to Shunde Army and 40% was sold to loyalists. Who asked loyalists to pay too little?" Zhu Xiuchang said as she fell into Yang Chengzu’s arms.
"King Ning has saved several generations of wealth, and that figure is very impressive. They also got more gold and silver from raiding counties along the way this time. In addition to rewarding some laborers, there are still many left in their hands. At this step, they also know that they are willing to spend a lot of money to buy food for the loyalist siege, but the price of food is higher. But the loyalist can still be transported in, but they can’t take a sense of honor and buy food. The price is not very high, but who let me be a court relative? Should I give it to the loyalist or not?
Yang Chengzu gently explained that her clothes were gentle. She blended with one place. "You, I think, if you don’t stop, if you are willing to have a baby, everything will be fine. As a result, now you have to run around and make me worry about you. I will steal two pieces of wood and eat it!"
He pretended to be angry, and then Zhu Xiuchang’s lips sealed her mouth for a long time before Zhu Xiuchang said, "Ermu knows your heart very well, you and I both know it. Even if we are two, I dare not tell her for fear that she will think that my sister has robbed her of her heart, but don’t mess around with her or I will turn you into a eunuch!"
She bit her teeth in an evil shape, and then they hugged each other again. Zhu Xiuchang said softly, "I feel that the past days have been in vain since I made friends with you. If you had come to China a few years earlier, I would have been with you, but sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I can’t touch anyone around me. Then I remember that your woman is holding you at home, and she feels uncomfortable and thinks about it. In case we are shaken out one day, those relatives will not let you go, and then they don’t know how much trouble they will give you. I feel like a pest when I ruin your future. When we go back to Anlu, the most sensible choice is to stop seeing each other. But I … I can’t help hating the imperial family. If only I were an ordinary daughter. "
She smiled. "I sometimes think that if you are angry or unhappy in the palace, you will come to the princess’s house and lose your temper or beat me up, just like those men in Niangniang Village. I will feel very happy if you beat your wife when you are angry, because I think we are like a real couple. Now you are so kind to me that I always feel afraid that one day all this will leave me, and I will become a lonely and pitiful woman. You will lose everything to me. So will I go this time?" Calm down and think about the future with you. I want to think about how we should get along in the future. You are not allowed to follow me. If you want to go with me, I will think nothing but nonsense. "
Yang Chengzu gently explored her body. "You are idle. I am good to you. You are not steadfast. Besides, you are a longevity monarch. I am not afraid that you will cut me if I am not good to you."
"Even if you are really bad to me, I won’t cut you off, woman. It’s this life that makes you resigned after giving yourself to a man. The thought that you will have a wife in the future who doesn’t know what attitude to us might even come to the house to make me feel embarrassed. Please be kind enough to leave me alone for a few days, okay? When I finish my work and think clearly, I will come back and promise me not to mess with Ermu, okay? "
Wait until the next day, Zhu Xiuchang actually helped Yang Chengzu get dressed for the first time, and he kissed his face. "Good xianggong, please wait for me here and don’t come to me, otherwise I really can’t see you again. Let me be my own boss for once. Qian Furen, don’t be your little woman. I’m afraid that if I go like this, I’ll lose my ability to do business. Will you promise me this little request?"
"Well, it’s up to you, but you have to tell me where you’re going to do business. I don’t have to look for you to know what’s wrong with you."
"We are the three towns, and we will come back soon after the transaction. Maybe Qian Furen won’t be able to do it, but he will be at ease. This princess house is just like your outer room, waiting for you to come and sit whenever you are happy. I will change my tricks to please you and then wait for one of my own, Laozhu Huang Shi, to be thrown away by you."
When Yang Chengzu went out of the house, Zhu Xiuchang changed back to the woman costume and told Luo Po, "This job is a bit dangerous. People must bring more and tell everyone that no one is allowed to tell. I don’t want to worry about my family, let alone Chengzu."
Zhang Yanling’s face and haggard look in Nanjing still bite his teeth and look at the present. "If you continue to screw up this time, don’t come to see me again. I don’t care how much money you pay or what means you use. Remember a word. I want to make Wangfu people’s heads look like they don’t know him, even when the world comes."
Chapter four hundred and seventy-two Beauty is angry, Jianghu white mourning dress (2)
After the Dragon Boat Festival in Anlu, after a big chaos, no one in Anlu has the energy to make a fuss about Zhu Xiuchang. Those businesses are managed by Yang Chengzu, and no one tries to make irresponsible remarks.
He is Wangfuyi, and it is only natural that he is coming forward to take care of these businesses. The most important thing is that there are two aspects behind him to support these Wangfu relatives, and no one dares to come out and touch this bad head to collide with him.
I’m afraid the gossip between him and Zhu Xiuchang will spread after this, but he’s over it. Zhu Xiuchang took a trip to three towns to calm down because of this relationship-he also decided to do something to prevent all these pots from being carried by a woman.
Jade moths and Qingqing at home are coming to the production day, and Iron Coral always feels a little timid because she gave birth to a daughter. She is afraid that Xianggong doesn’t like girls. There is obviously no preference for boys in Yang Chengzu’s eyes. Every day when she comes home, she will make her girl laugh and cry again, and finally be beaten by Liu.
After the Dragon Boat Festival, there was no news from Zhu Xiuchang. Everything was as usual except Zhu Xiuchang. On this day, as usual, Zhu Houzong told a story and played cards with him. Just after teasing the girl, Liu came over and said, "You are rare and ugly every day, but if you want to make your mother cry, be careful with your legs."
"I don’t think my mother’s position in front of me will be the same since Mei ‘e came, and I will be even less ugly. I am even more nothing when Qingqing and Yu ‘e are reborn."
He was holding a child in his arms and said that he was going to kiss his daughter’s face again. He knew that the little meat ball in his arms would burst into tears, but he still enjoyed it. Liu smiled and tried to beat Yang Chengzu while dodging and running to kiss the iron coral.
A few people are frolicking with Zhao Yao Niang, who came in from the outside. Her physical problems are not easy to conceive. Although she found some medicine from the doctor, she was anxious. She was embarrassed when she saw all kinds of frolicking, but she still said, "My husband has something to tell you."
"Why? What’s the matter? Let’s talk about it. We’re guards now. There’s not much to do outside. There’s no need to talk behind people’s backs. What’s going on? Is it because you Cao Gang want to borrow someone from the guards? "
There is an intimate friendship between the local Cao Gang and the Henan Cao Gang. However, after the Anlu chaos, the local Cao Gang was weakened and reorganized, and Cao Gang urgently needed a backer. As a result, he put his mind on Zhao Yao’s body.
Now, a deacon of Cao Gang, whose head is still on the ground, can eat money by the month, but it’s just the identity of Wangfu Yizheng concubine.
Generally speaking, Cao Gang will come to her for help when he is in trouble. Yang Chengzu is also willing to solve some problems by himself. However, today, Yao Niang shook her head and said, "This trouble is not from Cao Gang, but from Cao Gang. Some Jianghu people want to borrow the road from here. Cao Gang is afraid of getting into trouble. Let me ask my husband here whether to let it go or not."
"Jianghu people borrow the road? How big is this? "
"Not many of these people have complicated origins and good skills. Generally speaking, they don’t act in such a big way. So many people act together and there is usually a fire. They collect money to help others chop people. Now the court is afraid that those people are going to help the rebels."
"Eye army fighting a group of Jianghu people to chop down people? What do you think? It’s like sending a man’s head. This situation seems a bit strange. Can you invite a few people over there to chat with you? "
The place is still the teahouse where Zhu Xiuchang met for the first time. After renovation, it has been reopened here. The shopkeeper has changed. It is still safe to act as a confidant of the longevity monarch.
There are too many people in the Jianghu who come forward to represent three famous players in Huguang Province who were killed before. Thirteen eagles and pig iron buddhas are different. These three people are all white people, that is, people often say that heroes are skilled in martial arts and indifferent to fame and fortune, but they are slow princes. But whoever wants to believe this is out of his mind.
Among them, one is the head of Hengshan Mountain, the other is a famous sword on two lakes, and the other is a woman named Long Linger. Her name is very nice and pleasant, but she is over forty years old. If she was twenty years ago, she might have been a arrogant woman in Wulin. Now she is just a middle-aged woman with some gray hair and a camel back. For a woman, she has no charm.
The famous warrior on the ancient road and on the same lake was born in his fifties. He wore a long gown as if he were a mountain village scholar. He was also very humble and gave a silver ticket to show his filial piety, indicating that his party was harmless and would never take part in the rebellion.
Dragon shine implies that there are some young female brothers who are willing to be in the right direction. What they want is a convenience.
Yang Chengzu looked at the denomination of the silver ticket and sneered twice. "This silver thing is easy to say. My heart is that you are in such a hurry to borrow the road map. Do you know what it is like to fight? You will never form your own volunteers to help the court fight?"
Wen Gudao smiled and said, "Yi Zheng is a villain in this battlefield. Are there some rivers and lakes that are so rough?" It’s not easy for us to be trusted to eat Jianghu food this time. This time, if the other party pays enough money, we can settle some grievances for others. "
"You white people also take dark flowers?" Yang Chengzu leng leng. He knew that this thing was terrible when he was marked with dark flowers, but it was Qinglong Mountain Uneven Village that took dark flowers at the beginning. Aren’t these guys all white heroes? Supposedly, they don’t do such a thing as collecting money to relieve disasters for others.
"Life is hard, you have to be considerate." The head of Hengshan Mountain, Luo Tianhao, took the words. "Our martial arts school or supporting sect day is not as good as you think. Although we have fields that are not like those gangsters’ houses, it is also very important for the government to make friends from all over the world. Besides, besides money, there are people who have affairs. We Hengshan Sect also dare not shirk that the master is also a government official. Let’s make it convenient."
"LuoDaXia YanChong but you have to let me know where you are going. Just consider it as curiosity."
"It’s nothing. If we don’t tell you, you will know who we are going to kill this time. We don’t know clearly that this person is a woman. She was escorted by a woman like Luo Sufang, a famous witch with thousands of hands in the Jianghu. It’s not a good person to be a guard. We are also defending morality and eliminating evil people. Please do me a favor."
Chapter four hundred and seventy-three Beauty is angry, Jianghu white mourning dress (3)
Luo Sufang, three towns, and women all add up to Yang Chengzu’s head. He feels a little strong and self-stressed. He tries to calm himself down and asks coldly, "Then I ask you if there is anyone else besides your sects?"
"Yes, you don’t know that Luo Sufang disappeared in the Jianghu although it was a flash in the pan, but in those years when she was walking in the Jianghu, many people were injured by her hands, and among them, there were many famous people and enemies in the Jianghu. This time, after listening to her name, many people came to find her to pay off the old debts. There was also the dark flower who had a wide range of people in Jiangxi, Huguang and Nanzhili, Zhejiang Wulin. A large number of good players will probably make Yunsan Town into a Wulin conference this time, and several Jianghu celebrities will also come forward.
Out of the teahouse, the hot sunshine shone on Yang Chengzu and shook his head. "This woman … can really get me into trouble. There are so many good players and so many famous people. These are small problems, but it is not easy to provoke these people. I’m afraid that the three towns are now a pit of right and wrong, even if I jump in, I may not be sure to get people out. But who makes you my woman? No matter how dangerous it is, I always have to bring people out. Otherwise, what face will be mixed up and wait to catch you back? Even the golden branches and jade leaves will have to beat up."

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Xia Zhu randomly found a place to sit and drink beer with Liu Yao. She seldom drinks, but today she was drunk and fell asleep with Liu Yao in her arms.

Liu Yao cried with her and couldn’t wait to slap her two mouths. What kind of friend is she? What an asshole!
Chapter one hundred and sixty-four What about that woman?
Bai Yin court really expects Xia Zhu to come and make a scene, even if he comes and smashes everything on their side, tearing his collar and calling him an asshole.
But Xia Zhu didn’t do anything, so he turned around and walked away, continuing to drink with friends as if he didn’t see anything.
He pushed the woman around him away angrily and got up and approached Xia Zhu’s position. After seeing her drunk, he got closer.
Liu Yao saw that he had the courage to point to Bai Yinting’s nose because of drinking. "How can you be willing to hurt such a good woman as Xia Zhu in love rat?"
"How do you know that I hurt her?" Bai yinting felt that she was the one who was hurt.
"love rat! Love rat! " Liu Yao got up and shook. Suddenly he felt sick and almost threw up.
Bai Yinting disgust took a step back. Fortunately, Lin Hao came over and took Liu Yao aside. "Eldest brother, take your sister-in-law building."
"Well" Bai Yinting looked at sleeping Xia Zhu and picked her up.
They also have good memories here. After all, it was the first time they met in their lives.
It’s still the same room. Bai Yinting put Xia Zhu on the bed and looked at her rosy face and breathed evenly. Suddenly, it was a good thing to appreciate her quietly.
Xia Zhu suddenly sighed and turned over a hair to cover her face. Bai Yinting wanted her to arrange a hair, but Xia Zhu suddenly hit him and sat up. "Don’t touch me!"
Bai Yinting froze. Is she awake? But if you look closely, she still has her eyes closed.
Talking in your sleep? Still drunk? Bai yinting is unknown, clutching his chest and gently saying "lie down"
"Who are you?" Xia Zhu suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at Bai Yinting.
"You forgot me so soon. I’m Bai Yinting. Do you remember?" Bai yinting simply accompany her to talk.
Xia Zhu heard Bai Yinting’s name and suddenly burst into tears. "You’re not Bai Yinting. He doesn’t love me anymore …"
"Do you still love him?" Bai yinting asked
Xia Zhu still kept crying and didn’t answer his question. Bai Yinting grabbed Xia Zhu’s shoulder with both hands and asked again, "Do you still love him? Do you still love Bai yinting? "
"I …" Before Xia Zhu sobbed and didn’t speak, he suddenly felt queasy. Bai Yinting leaned too recently and was inevitably vomited by her.
Damn it! Bai yinting chagrin at yourself a dirty look at Xia Zhu has stumbled to health.
Bai yinting carefully unbuttoned his clothes and then took off his shirt and pants and followed him in.
Xia Zhu threw up on the toilet and finally threw up, so she lay there and went back to sleep
"So you woke up just to spit on me?" Bai yinting looked at the woman lying there by the door and was very depressed.
He went over and wanted to undress Xia Zhu and take a bath, but Xia Zhu suddenly hugged his neck and squinted at him. "I want to go to the toilet."
"Aren’t you already?" Bai yinting some nai looked at her voice somehow softened.
"Abdominal pain" Xia Zhu whispered in Bai Yinting’s ear again.
It seems that it’s almost the same for Bai Yinting to calculate the date one leng. Is Xia Zhu coming for her period?
As a result, as Bai Yinting expected, this woman stayed up almost all night and did everything she should and should not do.
Fortunately, Xia Zhu was drunk, otherwise he would feel embarrassed.
It was almost dawn when Bai Yinting had a good sleep because of Xia Zhu’s side, and Xia Zhu woke up naturally.
When she opens her eyes, she still feels a headache. She has been warming her hands and covering her belly. Bai Yinting hasn’t woken up yet. This is also a rare opportunity for her to see him so quiet.
The sun shines outside the curtain, and Xia Zhu sits up carefully, and suddenly realizes that this is not home, but everything is somewhat familiar.
She scratched her hair and all her memories came back, and then she was a little jealous when she looked at the man around her.
Haven’t you already made a new love? Why did you come back?
Xia Zhu barefooted the curtain, and the sun spilled in without mercy. Bai Yinting frowned slightly, and Xia Zhu was proud of her intentionally.
"Pull up the curtain" Bai Yin court voice hoarse growl.
"It’s time to get up at dawn," said Xia Zhu, taking a look at her mobile phone and suddenly panicked. "It’s almost half past half past one, and I’m late."
"Ask for leave" Bai Yinting half squinted at the resurrected woman full of blood.
"No, husband, you …" Xia Zhu wanted to say that Bai Yinting would send her, but when the words came out, she regretted it and quickly changed her mind. "No, I mean Yin Ting, you … you should get up."

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"Mom!" Shen Kuohai quickly stopped the flying hook and sickle from selling out and ling to the easy hook.

Yi Xiangen’s heart is in love with war, and he wants to break the eye and escape.
So he dodged back and forth, turned into a blur of light and shadow by floating wave technique, and scurried back and forth to attack the red light in the eye socket, which was faster than that.
Shen Kuohai’s skull blocked the opponent’s attack in front of it, making the flying hook and sickle superb, capable of resisting strength and attacking.
However, it is easy to wait for cunning and cunning, but it is a big thunder and fire seal, offering a size to hit Shen Kuohai at will, retreating again and again, and sending out a thunder that is more accurate than splitting red light
Shen Kuohain can’t let go of his skull, and his hands and feet are easily occupied. He goes on the rampage and emits black gas to cover the whole place.
I don’t know that Yi is wearing a poison-avoiding bead to block all kinds of poison gas without fear.
Shen Kuo-hai watched the red light in the skull getting weaker and weaker. I’m afraid this magic weapon will be destroyed if I hit it twice, but at that time I lost my wife and lost my soldiers.
"The magic skull! Receive! " He blocked the big seal and read the spell. When he had three breaths, he grabbed the magic skull.
At that time, it was like a broken lens, and the wind was strong. From the outside, a large piece of black fog and red light were inhaled into the skull, and there were several skulls. Ling Fei’s head changed from big to small and landed like a waterfall in Shen Kuohai’s hand.
This change is very fast and easy to see, and the other side automatically withdraws from the array, and it becomes more and more obvious and there is no attack. He identified the direction and rushed out at one stroke.
In an instant, the heavy rain fell outside, and the body was easy to lose weight, but before I was happy, a sweet Lei Yin suddenly rang and flashed.
Easy to quickly dodge clicked his heels together. The original vertical ground was split into a big hole, and he couldn’t help but be frightened in his heart.
The fourth volume Dry Kun copulation Chapter two hundred and twelve Get away from hiding and listen to the sound.
When I leaned out, I saw a body on the ground. Look at it. It looks like a mass of light and shadow floating in a horse. On the ground, a horse and a bear are blackened and dodged.
"Auditions thunder! Curse evil spirits and punish elegance! " Easy to recognize the instant that day, the sound god ray fix true boundary is the only one. Don’t semicolon. Who else can she be?
However, it is easy to run to the southwest in the event of unexpected changes, and the floating wave technique is even more extreme.
But that day, the sound of thunder seemed to have long eyes, and the track split had to be hit if it was not easy to dodge and quickly.
Even so, the thunderbolt was handed to the easy body through the rain, and one day after another, the cover was almost broken, and the sky was less than three layers.
Divine thunder in the sky will slow down every time it splits, and this speed will be reduced, so it can be regarded as knowing that the punishment of cutting evil spirits is elegant and severe
"Where can the thief escape!" Punishment, rebuke suddenly rang.
"It’s really chilling that a different fairy in Xiaoyangshan can’t recognize the old friend!" It’s easy to wake up when you have to change.
"Are you? Sorry! " The punishment, suddenly remind of offensive a stop.
Before she could think about it, a black light chased to the southwest, and she recognized Shen Kuohai, the lone goshawk, and hurriedly gave up Ma Yixiong’s flash to chase Shen Kuohai.
Ma Yixiong has seen all the people running away, finally relieved and sad. He picked up his brother Ma Zhongxiong’s body and was about to fly away.
I didn’t know that the cold firm but gentle suddenly struck and didn’t dodge the blink of an eye.
The green red sword light fierce a stir yuan god didn’t come to the body is firm but gentle to divide into several pieces of daylights out of the flesh has become a pool of mud.
"What is yellowbird? This is called yellowbird! In addition to your heart, it’s a pity … "Ji Wen’s mouth turned up in the distance after the pine tree, and he appeared in the sword tactic. When he flew back to his feet, his feet also recovered to the southwest.
Said easy to run away, never thought that Shen Kuohai was so quick to catch up, but he was eager to run for his life, and he didn’t have any love for war at all.
Punishment elegant homicidal light sweet voice "lone goshawk Shen Kuohai, you disregard human life and kill the common people, even the little girl will not let go of today’s immortal beheading you this evil person!"
Shen Kuohai’s anger is a god-fearing. First, he was taken into the array to collect the ghost of Wuyin, which caused half a year’s hard work to be wasted. Then this meddling fairy also became more and more timid in his heart. "Punishment is elegant! So you have witnessed it from beginning to end, so don’t stop the old? The cat cried and shed crocodile tears until you finally jumped out! "
Punishment ya also knows that even if the little girl is not killed by Shen Kuohai, her horse will die and then she will become a ghost of five yin. If such a ghost meets, it will be another way to slay her.
But at that time, I was just about to start work, only to find that there was movement here, and he struggled together to resist not starting work. Then the three of them fought for each other and went to fisherman’s satisfaction to behead these three demons, which made me feel happy.
However, later, one after another, Ma Zhongxiong was chopped to death, and the lamb mountain was chased by Sun Zhongzhi. At that time, another devil threw a thunder …
Punishment, royal sword flying quickly to Shen Kuohai chopping thunder while cold way "nonsense not much said that little girl if into ghost fairy also won’t relent! If you can’t bear it, you will make a big plan. You will kill the devil and sacrifice a dead person! "
Shen Kuohai was so angry that he hid from the thunder and chased the vague figure in front of him. "Whatever you say, you are right. This * * * righteous person is always angry. Everyone can talk and argue. Anyway, it’s always magic. You are an immortal!"
He shouted angrily at the figure in front of him, "I robbed the old ghost, but I almost ruined the old array. I was humbled by my old heart and signed up for you!"
I didn’t know until I heard that the ghost had been robbed by that man. I was kind enough to let him go before. I couldn’t help but think about it and shouted, "So you and he are birds of a feather. I have misjudged the wrong person!"
Yi Na can’t admit it. "Shen Kuohai’s ghost practices evil methods. After hearing the news, I specially came to destroy this ghost fairy who was just killed by a friend. Don’t listen to his nonsense, or you will come thousands of miles away to rob this ghost!"
"Bullshit …
Fart … "Shen Kuohai said a few farts in a row, and his body was shaking easily.
Punishment, after hearing this, the two sides were skeptical, saying that Shen Kuohai and swearing at the dirty mouth seemed to refute each other’s words. In my heart, I took the wind and didn’t say anything.
The rainstorm poured down and thundered, and the thunder rolled. On that day, the thunder of the God of Sound was displayed by Tianwei, which was twice as powerful as before, not only extremely refreshing.
This makes the punishment elegant and extremely happy. This divine thunder is a very powerful spell, but I feel that heaven can’t kill evil people by itself! The whole world was destroyed by the thunder of his own magic spell. If he offered his magic weapon, who wouldn’t bow down for mercy!
Easy to fly on the ground in front of Shen Kuo’s sea, the imperial flying hook is rampant, and it’s extremely urgent to be struck by the punishment of Ya Tianyin God. "If you are unwilling to escape by the other party, you will be chased by the punishment of Ya. You have previously consumed a lot of power. Today, it’s this stormy weather. However, she’s a crazy woman who is entangled in people but never dies. It’s more difficult than I don’t want to take countermeasures. I’m afraid I’ll die in her hand."
It’s easy to see the mountain shadow in front of you, and it’s big in your heart, regardless of the fact that the two people behind you are rushing to fly.
In a short time, it was easy to plunge into the forest along the hillside at first sight, and it was like a duck to water inside. It took several times of effort to stop the psychic tracking with this towering and dense tree.
This move really throws off a lot of distance between the two people, and it is easy to simply start the rapid flashing of Xuan Yin’s precious charm, but it is not going straight.
Shenkuohai forest flight stared at the man desperately, but there were too many trees, and the other side was very fast and dazzling. My head was a little dizzy and I couldn’t help but shrink back.
When I explored again, there was no trace, and I didn’t even find some fluctuations. I suddenly released a roar and flew to the front in a hurry.
Punishment, I don’t know what’s wrong with him, but the spirit swept forward and his face changed. The man has disappeared, and Shen Kuohai even wants to escape …
She quickly took out a gourd, shook her hand, and let go of the flying knife. A few shining lights were cut at Shenkuohai …
Easy to lean back and hide the thick dead leaves in the forest, watching the two people fly over and relax.

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Grandma Yourui walked a few steps back and forth with a stick. "Taoist, in your opinion, is he really just trying to avenge Long Ge and Yuchi before he comes to our trouble or is there another reason?"

"It’s all possible," Ye Fashan said. "In this case, Princess Chichen, the daughter country, is likely to tell him that colorful stone has secrets. If so, there are two possibilities for him to come after me. Either he is entrusted by Princess Chichen to protect colorful stone or …"
"Does he covet the power of colorful stone as much as we do?" Grandma You Rui sneered, "But no matter what the reason, it can be concluded that Yuan Ziyan must have betrayed us behind our backs. Otherwise, how could he and his female apprentice chase us here?"
Ye Fashan hasn’t spoken yet, but the feathered youth suddenly asked, "Last night, he asked us about Nie Yinniang’s fall? Maybe … "
Grandma Yourui hummed a hand and pointed, "That girl is in that cave now."
Feather youth is happy and angry. It turns out that Nie Yinniang is here. Anger is that Grandma Yourui has kept it from him.
He was swept into the cave in a flash.
Kuroha is still low head to stand beside grandma Yourui without saying a word.
Nie Yinniang in the cave is still tied with fairy ropes and her hands tied behind her back. The light and shadow are flashing. Someone swept in. She looked hard and saw a young man who didn’t know her breaking in. The man slowly squatted in front of her and stared at her eyes, which made it difficult to understand sadness and enthusiasm.
"Who are you?" There is a little doubt in her weak voice. Although she thinks she doesn’t know this person, this person looks at her with strange feelings.
"Now, of course, you don’t remember me … even three hundred years ago, you didn’t seriously look at me." Feather youth held out his hand and held up Yin Niang’s face. Although she shook her head and struggled, she held her hand so tightly that even her fingers got stuck in her cheeks.
"For more than three hundred years," Yu Yi youth looked at her body whip marks and blood tone filled with love and anger. "Cutting flesh and breaking bones VII’s hardships are still a common person who has failed to climb Yaochi again. You have fallen to this point because of that bastard, but what about him? He went to seduce Xu Feiqiong and his woman while still pestering you … That guy, that guy … "
He let go and punched hard.
The whole cave shook.
Chapter 9 Fighting barren hills again
"What did you say?" Yin Niang shrank and trembled. "Are you mistaken for someone else?"
"Don’t you understand?" Feather youth laughed angrily. "So that’s it. He didn’t dare to tell you your origin until now. Since he is clinging to you, he just came out of Ya Yin Ice Lake and ran to find you. He pretended to accept your apprentice but didn’t dare to tell you your origin? What is he afraid of? Afraid you’ll leave him when you know the truth? Hehe, but this is also true. Of course, if you know everything, how dare he hook up with Xu Feiqiong? You were in trouble to protect them, but what did they do? Not only did they dare not let you know that you were in your previous life, but they also slept together shamelessly in front of you. "
Yin Niang was in a mess and thought to herself, "He said that person should be Master, but isn’t it normal that Master likes to fly Qiongxian and Qiongxian also likes Master? They are shameless together? Although, I don’t know why I feel sad every time I see Master with another woman, especially when he is with Fei Qiongxian. But it is normal for Master Fei Qiongxian to learn from each other that they love each other. I am his apprentice. What else can I do? "
"You don’t understand?" Feather youth coldly tunnel "good I this reminds you of your past"
He held out his hand and pressed it to Yin Niang’s forehead. His palm showed a light blue light.
Yin Niang moved back with her feet on the ground. Although she didn’t know what kind of magic this man was going to do to herself, she didn’t know that there was a surge of uneasiness in her heart. Who were you in your previous life?
She has both a desire to know and an unspeakable fear.
At this moment, outside the cave, there was a continuous scream, and at the same time, the wind approached quickly, followed by Ye Fashan’s stuffy hum of feather clothes. In the youth’s heart, he suddenly turned back and heard the sound of deep and remote Rui’s grandmother ring out rapidly. "Jiqiao was careful to sneak attack …"
Feather youth quickly got up and wanted to be swept out of the cave to see what had happened, but there was a flash of green light at the mouth of the cave. Someone flew in and chopped at him with a knife. If there was a thunder, the feather youth was surprised, and he wanted to hold Yin Niang hostage so that people could not move, but it was too late. The purple knife light was embedded in his chest.
"Master? !” Yin Niang looked at the bearer pleasantly surprised.
While the young people with feather clothes stared at the blood-red eyes and fell to the ground. Blood seeped into the mud.
"Wait for me!" Kill the young wind soul and fly out of the cave without stopping.
As soon as he was swept out of the cave, the wind soul shouted "Ling Ning". Ling Ning immediately fell from the sky and kept the mouth of the cave from letting people enter the cave to protect Yin Niang.
Outside the cave, Grandma Rui from Ye Fashan made room for purple fire and long knives dripping with blood, which was both surprised and angry. Kuroha’s yaksha warriors were also scattered around the wind soul. Grandma Rui didn’t expect that the wind soul could not only be tracked here, but also broke into the cave as soon as it appeared and killed the young man. She knew that the possibility of finding colorful stone with the secret induction technique of Jiuchi would be greatly reduced, but she was even more angry and wanted to desperately besiege the wind soul with Ye Fashan and Kuroha to get rid of this nemesis.
For the wind soul, he didn’t want to be so eager to show his shape, but he was going to find the best chance to rescue Yinniang near the first place. However, the mirror of Yin and Yang shone on Yinniang in the young cave with a jade crown, and it seemed that he was going to do something about Yinniang. He was afraid that Yinniang would be hurt, so he simply took advantage of grandma Rui and others to break in and kill that guy directly.

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Because it is Jing Xiang, who knows what the future will be like?

"Then how about you worry about me?" Chenchi suddenly said
Jing Xiang is not a simple person! Don’t worry about her being hurt by Zheng Nuo! There’s another chapter at noon
☆ haper 34 Get rid of them.
"What are you worried about?" Root didn’t put this sentence of Chenchi in his heart to think that he just said it casually.
Chen Chi actually smiled. "For example, I will be retaliated by Qi Yu. Why don’t you worry about my personal safety?"
Green morning paused in the tone is not with a little heart "you hit him that he will really …"
"Don’t worry, I won’t." When I saw Qingchen’s eyes pregnant, Chenchi was satisfied and changed his tone. "He hasn’t done that yet."
"That’s good … but he looks like you had a problem before?"
"Well, he asked me to invest in his business before, and I refused." Chen Chi’s mouth evoked a disdainful smile. "If I hadn’t seen his so-called business plan when I couldn’t surf in front of Qi Yu’s two brothers."
It’s not that Chenchi looked down on Qi Yu, but that Qi Yu wanted to find him to invest in a business plan, which was unreliable. Qi Yu didn’t fully understand what he really wanted to do, and he wanted to make a fortune by watching others do it.
But business is not so good. Chenchi will not wave his money at the root, and it is impossible to make money.
Putting is a talented person, so it happened that Qi Yu, such a dandy, didn’t want to be opportunistic all day except fooling around. The key was to speculate. He didn’t do that.
Qi Yu also has two brothers, one in the army and one in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is also one of the best in Beijing. Qi Yu has now mixed up a position in the family business, and it is impossible for his elders to give his family industry to him.
After listening to Chen Chi’s explanation, Qingchen also learned something about it.
People from the same family are all rich and powerful, and not everyone can benefit from the resources they were born with and then broaden the world. However, as far as they have got, if they don’t die by themselves, this generation is also beyond the imagination of ordinary people.
Sending Qingchen to Louchen Pool without warning hooked her and kissed her in the past, which made Qingchen’s heartbeat lose its original rhythm again.
She found that she seemed to be getting used to Chenchi’s sudden kiss.
After the car, I was dizzy. Qingchen walked to the door, and her eloquence was calm, because she saw homesickness and the door was actually closed at this time.
Although this is a relatively secure community, it’s not too late to close the door.
Walking over with doubts, Qing Chen’s expression at the door of homesickness became a little surprised.
Look what she saw.
Qingchen thinks she will probably never forget this picture, because the home is cleaning up at this time.
It’s probably because the air has just been sprayed with a freshener that the door is ventilated and bright. In the living room, Rui Rui baby is sitting in his pony toy hand wearing a small cotton and holding a towel in his mouth, chanting "Dad, Dad! This side is dirty, too! Come here! "
And Rui Rui’s attention to the place is the reason why Qingchen was shocked today.
In Qingchen’s memory, she has always been dressed in a tough suit, and her face is serious and cold. At this time, Chu Ningzhao was wearing a black home and wearing the same color apron. She was wiping on the table with a rag in her hand.
She actually saw ChuNingZhao cleaning?
And besides ChuNingZhao is cleaning, which is even more surprising to QingChen, I still think that the shopkeeper is sitting on the sofa at this time and coldly looking at ChuNingZhao after cleaning, and there is no plan to help.
A person like ChuNingZhao would not look at things like cleaning when there is a wave. When he is precious, he will naturally spend it on more precious things, such as talking about a business deal.
But at the moment, he is complaining about cleaning his face. Although he has no expression, he can see that his mood is not too bad.
The green morning method suppressed the surprise until it attracted the idea of the insiders.
Ruirui saw Qingchen’s surprise and called "Aunt Qingchen!"
He’s finally been corrected now. He won’t call Mama Qingchen any more.
Alice also saw Qingchen immediately get up from the sofa. "Qingchen!"
"Are you cleaning?" Green morning unconsciously and ChuNingZhao looked at each other and looked at him without feelings. Eyes moved quickly.
"Yes," Simei said with a crooked eye. "But it’s his turn to take a rest today."
"So that’s it …"
ChuNingZhao unexpectedly agreed to and thinking shift cleaning, which made QingChen finish refreshing the established impression of ChuNingZhao.
"Let’s go to your house." Sisi will go with her when she is close to her wrist.
ChuNingZhao this just expression cold mouth "agreement agreed to supervise each other to clean"
Si glanced at Chu Ningzhao and smiled brightly. "Then I’ll let you off today, but I hope I won’t see a little dust again before I come back."
With that, she took Qing Chen and told Rui Rui before going out, "Rui Rui will supervise your father’s cleaning work and leave it to you."
Rui Rui waved his towel and said excitedly, "Good! I will definitely supervise my father not to let him be lazy! "
When I got home, I was overwhelmed by my thoughts. I couldn’t help but wonder in my tone, "What’s the situation with you two?"
"Nothing," naturally replied. "Since he wants to live in my house, what should he do? Cleaning is the most basic thing."
"He must be cleaning for the first time." Qingchen affirmed.
"He just can’t even use a vacuum cleaner." It seems that he thought of something very funny, recalling that when Chu Ningzhao first got the vacuum cleaner, his face was gloomy and he couldn’t help but want to laugh.
After talking to ChuNingZhao in the coffee shop that day, Sisi put up with ChuNingZhao and moved in. Her attitude towards ChuNingZhao has not changed, and she really wants to turn a blind eye to ChuNingZhao.
But she found that two people really live under the same roof, and there was no way to really ignore him.
I forced myself to get used to it, but suddenly I had a better idea.
It was intentional of her to let ChuNingZhao clean. She knew that people like ChuNingZhao were not only absolutely far away from the kitchen, but also impossible to clean their homes. Before she lived with ChuNingZhao, there were servants who cleaned them every day. She rarely touched those things herself.
Thought is deliberately trying to make ChuNingZhao difficult to make him back down. Who knows that ChuNingZhao just nodded and agreed after a few seconds, and his tone was particularly firm.
"I can do whatever you want."
At that time, Si asked, "Then I told you not to live in my house."
ChuNingZhao cold way "in addition to this"
It is absolutely impossible for Chu Ningzhao to make a decision unless he changes his mind.
Then Chu Ningzhao was thinking about cleaning every other day. Although he cleaned the inside on the first day, Chu Ningzhao didn’t know how to clean, not only didn’t know how to vacuum cleaner, but also didn’t know everything.
Beth felt that he didn’t know what to do except how to tap the tap.
It’s a pity that Chu Ningzhao’s learning ability is too strong to find a way by himself, and he soon learned how to clean the house, and now he knows many tricks that he doesn’t even know.
"It’s fine." Qingchen thought that the picture was also very interesting, but she didn’t have a chance to see it.
However, seeing ChuNingZhao wearing an apron today is a particularly fresh experience.
"That’s it. I don’t want to know what will happen now. He can stay with me if he likes. I’ll see how long he can stay with me."
"Maybe it will be a long time. Chu Ningzhao should not give up people at will."
"I really don’t know what he’s going to do …" Siyuan sighed. "Whatever. Anyway, I’ve never been stubborn with him."
Section 12
After chatting for a while at Qingchen’s home, I didn’t go back. At this time, Chuningzhao had cleaned up and sat on the sofa for tea.

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The fat boss looked at this rookie with a baby in front of him, and then looked at his costume. It didn’t look like a rich man even didn’t have a magic weapon to protect himself. Then he smiled and said, "I’m afraid of higher quality flying swords …"

Li Chengzhu took out 30 pieces of cat stone and slammed it on the table. The fat boss had an explosive expression on his face.
Chapter VII Luck Back Home
The fat boss was surprised to see the rookie shake out this secret stone and sighed in his heart that he had lost his sight. He changed his face and smiled at Li Chengzhu and said, "Wait a moment, guest!" Then turned and walked into the hall.
Soon the fat boss held out a few flying swords and gently put them in front of Li Chengzhu. "Look at these flying swords, guest, but they are to your liking."
Li Chengzhu looked at these flying swords carefully. The flying swords are of good quality.
Pick out one of them and weigh it in your hand. It’s just the right size and the right weight, so I asked, "What’s the name of this flying sword?" What are the allusions? "
"This sword’s name and shadow are made by incompetent people!" The fat boss’s fat face trembled and he couldn’t be proud.
Li Chengzhu slightly surprised at the fat boss this fellow has the ability to forge a fly sword? This ability is really good.
"How can I sell this sword if I want it?" Li Chengzhu said.
The fat boss smiled and kept his tone unchanged. "Twenty stones!"
Li Chengzhu see fat boss serious expression "ten pieces! Don’t want one more piece! "
Fat boss wry smile slightly "guest officer, you cut too much. Ten stones!"
Li Chengzhu looked at the fat boss with his arms around his chest and could not speak.
"Seventeen dollars can’t be lower!" Fat boss gritted his teeth.
Li Chengzhu simply turned up his eyes.
"Sixteen pieces! The small shop is also a meager business, which is the lowest limit! "
Li Chengzhu sighed slightly and put the table stone into the ring. "Forget it, since the boss doesn’t want to do this business, I can’t force it."
See Li Chengzhu is about to walk out of the store, and the fat boss sounds right behind him. "Fourteen dollars! This is the price of vomiting blood, sir. You can’t cut it any more! "
Li Chengzhu smiles and Mimi turns around and walks to the boss again. "Let’s meet each other halfway!" Looking at the heartache of the fat boss, Li Chengzhu knew that it was impossible to bargain any more.
The fat boss was saddened and wiped his head with sweat. "Guest officer, you are really desperate. Who can bargain so hard?"
Li Chengzhu hey hey smile "there is always a place for you to earn".
The fat boss smiled slightly. "Just take care of the store business after you calculate the guest officer."
Li Chengzhu just smiled strangely. "Don’t worry, I still have something to sell. Do you accept flying swords here?"
The fat boss looked at Li Chengzhu doubtfully. "Come on, sir, do you want to sell flying swords?"
Li Chengzhu this from the ring took out a handful of reiki fly sword to Dangdang stolen goods debut!
The fat boss couldn’t help but feel excited and trembling, and took the flying sword with his hands. He muttered, "This is … this is close to the flying sword of the fairy sword." After touching it for a long time, he turned to Li Chengzhu with a look of excitement. "How much do you want, sir?"
Li Chengzhu smiled mysteriously, "Two hundred stones!"
"plop!" The fat boss threw himself at the ground with a burst of qi and blood
"Hello boss?"
The final result was that one hundred and twenty pieces of secret stone were sold. When the fat boss handed over one hundred stones and the flying sword to Li Chengzhu, Li Chengzhu could faintly see that the fat boss was sincerely moved and that one drop shed tears of excitement.
Ga ga! He’s a rich man, too. Li Chengzhu walks the streets like 20 thousand or 50 thousand
Before Li Chengzhu was excited, the little thing behind him suddenly sent out a squeaking alarm in his travel bag. At the moment, Li Chengzhu felt a terror to the extreme and pressed against his hood.
"Flop" was forced to kneel by that spiritual pressure without waiting for Li Chengzhu’s exercise to resist, and at the same time his mouth spit out one mouthful blood.
Road, those who cultivate immortals have driven flying swords to escape for fear of harming themselves.